
Junior Art Director Intern




Art Direction


CD: Aaron Warner

The Brief //

Early in my internship with Logitech, I volunteered to fill in for a senior UX designer while they were out. With Figma being a newer tool at Logitech, I was one of a few people able to jump straight into the files.

My Role //

With three products and a series landing page launching while the lead designer was out, I hopped on the web team for a week to design out four web pages. I made the final image selections, and various graphic treatments to make templatized pages into cohesive parts of a launch.

I worked on the Pro Series landing page, as well as all three product pages within the collection.

Outcome //

By taking on this web project, not only did it allow me to flex my skills as a designer, it provided me with an insider look of how different teams operate. I was able to learn hands-on how the creative and design team works with the rest of the company, & overall a wide-lens view at Logitech’s creative process.

Product Display Pages //